The Rise of Hybrid Vehicles and Its Impact on the Rubber Industry

The automotive industry is witnessing the increasing popularity of hybrid electric vehicles (HHEVs). This surge is reshaping the rubber industry, prompting adaptations to meet new vehicle requirements, and influencing the materials used in their production. Specifically, there's a shift towards more [...]

Improving Crop Yields and Soil Health with Agricultural Rubber Solutions

Agriculture plays a significant role in the United States, positioning the country as a net exporter of food. As per the latest agriculture census in 2017, the U.S. had 2.04 million farms, spanning over 900 million acres, averaging 441 acres per farm. Two factors are vital to the agricultural indust [...]

Why Our Updated IATF and ISO Certifications Matter to YOU

When you invest hard-earned money in the manufacture of automotive, medical, or other rubber products, it helps to have the reassurance that your supplier takes quality seriously. One way to be certain of this is to use companies with quality certifications such as IATF and ISO. At Midwest Rubber Co [...]

2021-12-08T12:30:32-05:00June 8th, 2021|Categories: Manufacturing|Tags: , |
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