Midwest Rubber Co.

Why Our Updated IATF and ISO Certifications Matter to YOU

When you invest hard-earned money in the manufacture of automotive, medical, or other rubber products, it helps to have the reassurance that your supplier takes quality seriously. One way to be certain of this is to use companies with quality certifications such as IATF and ISO.

At Midwest Rubber Company, we recently updated our certifications to comply with the latest industry practices. This fact means you can have peace of mind that your investment is safe when you commission us to produce goods to your specifications.

IATF and ISO Certifications

The International Automotive Task Force (IATF) is a collection of automotive manufacturers that developed a technical certification for quality management. The latest version of the IATF 16949:2016 encourages the continual improvement of the manufacturing process. It focuses on preventing defects and reducing waste in the supply chain and assembly processes.

ISO certification is documented evidence by an independent body that a manufacturer operates in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization, and its products and services comply with specific requirements. The ISO 9001 is a quality management system that gives companies a similar systematic operating method resulting in consistent quality.

Achieving these certifications takes a significant amount of time and effort, but it means our customers can be confident that any products we manufacture use quality materials and conform to international standards.

The Value of Certification to Industry Buyers

Industrial buying is a challenging process, with buyers spending many hours online to source potential suppliers. According to 2020 research by Thomas.net, the most important factors when shortlisting a potential provider include:

Holding both the IATF and ISO certifications is an indication that all these exist. Producing consistent quality keeps projects within time and budget and ensures timely delivery. Additionally, any company that invests time and effort to attain these certifications typically has a sound financial footing. Finally, without relevant industry experience, it would be impossible for a manufacturer to achieve these certifications.

Why Certification Matters to MWRCO

As a leading rubber manufacturer, MWRCO makes products for the automotive and heavy truck industries, consumer goods, medical device parts, and supplying agriculture and the military with rubberized components. We provide unique, high-quality items for customers. These range from products aimed at reducing noise and vibration to durable, antimicrobial, protective medical and other coatings. The larger the production run, the more significant your investment is, and our clients appreciate having proof of our commitment to quality and the use of accepted standards.

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