Midwest Rubber Co.

Best Rubberizing Solutions for Dental Surgery Equipment

Dental surgeons use several specialized tools during surgical procedures, which are manufactured specifically for this purpose. Many of these tools require some form of rubberization, whether to improve the ability to grip the handle, increase comfort for the patient, or provide physical neck support during a procedure.

Here are some of the most common dental surgery equipment items used and the role of rubberization in the production of the components.

Types of Dental Surgery Equipment

Every dental professional uses essential tools such as a mouth mirror, dental probe, curettes, suction devices, and molds. When you get into the more specialized fields such as orthodontics, prosthodontics, periodontics, maxillofacial radiology and surgery, endodontics, and oral pathology, the tools become more complex and sophisticated.

Some dental surgery equipment components containing rubber include:

These are just a few examples of many dental equipment types requiring rubberization expertise. With Midwest Rubber Company’s rubber processing capabilities, we can develop a custom solution for your unique dental surgery equipment needs.

Coating and Rubberization Methods

Dental surgical components aren’t limited to one or two types of rubberization. Methods used in the manufacturing and production of orthodontic and other specialized instruments and consumables include:

  1. Dip coating of metal products to add a layer of natural rubber, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), silicone, or polyurethane foam as a handle for the dental professional to grip or a cushion to improve patient comfort.
  2. Protection of exposed metal parts that require daily cleaning and sanitization. The addition of antimicrobial products to the materials used helps maintain sterility, while the coating protects the equipment from harsh cleaning and disinfection.
  3. Powder coating of clinic and dental surgery equipment such as dental chairs, diagnostic machinery, lamps, and other items that require daily wipe down of the hard surfaces.
  4. Neoprene and polyurethane foam cushions provide excellent patient support products that are easily protected from contamination by disposable sleeves.

Whatever a dental manufacturer’s rubberization requirements are, Midwest Rubber Company can design a custom solution that addresses challenges such as noise reduction, vibration, durability, and functionality.

Getting It Done

Finding the right coating and solution for your dental surgical components can be expensive and time-consuming. Get it done correctly the first time around by consulting with our experienced team, and improve the speed and efficiency of getting your product to market.

For more information on designing customer solutions for dental surgery equipment, please contact us at 810.376.2085.

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